Planning to W1N State in 2023:
A Live Coaching Clinic

Sunday, July 16th at 7:00pm ET.

with Thad Wells

The Clinic Has Already Been Held!

Click Below to Access the Replay

Power Up Your Planning For 2023

With State Champion Head Coach, Thad Wells

As a dedicated coach, you've likely envisioned the moment your team clinches that coveted state championship title – the culmination of tireless effort, strategic planning, and unwavering commitment. And maybe you've experienced this firsthand. Regardless, you understand that achieving this dream requires more than just raw talent; it demands a solid plan, with a focus on both individual player development and cohesive team dynamics.

This clinic is specifically designed for head high school football coaches who share this ambition and are determined to elevate their team's performance to unprecedented heights this season.

What We'll Cover In This Clinic

This Sunday's clinic will be a 2 hour session where we cover the following topics:

Zooming Out To See The Big Picture For 2023

We'll start by zooming out to make sure we have a good vision for how we want the 2023 season to go.

Zooming In To Plan The Details Of Every Day

Next we will zoom back down to the details and work to create a daily routine for planning to win it all this year.

An Updated Look At Weekendless Game Planning

Then we will go over an updated look at how we game plan during the season without having to meet on the weakends.

Weekly Practice Template Building

Lastly, we will go over our weekly practice schedule and look to build a template that will speed up practice planning during the season.

What You'll Get

By registering you will get:

1) A ticket to the live clinic.

2) The ability to interact and ask questions.

3) A link to watch the replay.

4) The presentation slides as a download.

5) A copy of Thad's advanced practice template.

6) Thad's 80/20 checklist of what needs to be done month by month to win a state title.

Why Clinic With Thad Wells?

Proven Track Record: A lot of people sell content online, but how many have achieved success with it? Thad's success in winning and coaching in multiple state championship speaks volumes about his coaching abilities and football acumen. By learning from someone who has already achieved the ultimate goal, you'll be tapping into a wealth of knowledge and experience that can propel your team toward success.

Insider Knowledge: Thad has been in your shoes, facing the same challenges and obstacles that you encounter as a high school football coach. Thad has coached teams of 17 players, all the way up to 200+. His firsthand experience and understanding of the game's complexities will provide you with practical, actionable advice tailored to your unique coaching needs.

Comprehensive Approach: Thad's coaching philosophy covers a wide range of topics crucial to building a winning team, from efficient practice planning and player development to innovative play calling systems and advanced game preparation. By studying his methods and strategies, you'll be equipping yourself with a comprehensive toolkit for coaching success.

Shortcut to Success: Thad has already navigated the path to a state championship, and he's ready to share his insights and shortcuts with you. By learning from his experiences, you'll be able to avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your team's progress on the journey to the top.

Thad has been featured by the following organizations:

By investing in this, you'll not only gain the knowledge and tools to lead your team to victory but also grow as a coach and mentor to your players. You'll be able to craft winning strategies, optimize your time, and ultimately enhance your team's performance, bringing you one step closer to that coveted state championship title.

We understand that coaching is a journey of growth and improvement. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock your full coaching potential. Start the journey to a state title by clicking the button below to invest in your team's future and secure your access to this live clinic.